
Shamil Tashaev — institute director, member of the presidium at Russian Association for the Prenatal Psychology and Medicine, member of International Society for Prenatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM), head of the International Scientific Council of the Research Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, chief editor of the international scientific journal “Psychosomatics”, physiologist of higher nervous activity, PhD on the physiology of human and animals.
After publication of his dissertation research of cerebral circulation regulation was discontinued a widespread surgical procedure of removing the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. As the research revealed, this procedure was not only useless but could also even damage patient’s health.
As a Doctor of Psychology Shamil Tashaev is widely known by his numerous works on perinatal psychology, age regression in awaked state and short psychoanalysis sessions (patents pending). Shamil Tashaev has more than 80 scientific works (among the others there are 6 inventions and 2 monographs).
Some part of these works is represented in the “Publications” section.