About the Institute

We welcome all who are interested in scientific and practical activities of the Research Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.
Our mission is science and both physical and mental health trainings.
We love to do that — and we can.
Our main activities are:
- Psychological seminars, group psychotherapy, personality trainings and thematic festivals in various courses of psychology and spiritual practices
- Individual psychology counselling
- Obstetrician-gynecologist counselling
- Consultations of:
- philosopher
- psychologist-psychotherapist
- neurologist
- surgeon
- endocrinologist
- traumatologist
- radiologist and specialist in CT and MRI
- perinatologist
- Education at the psychological centre:
- training of psychologists and physicians
- performing of dissertation researches in psychology and medicine — on our basis
- students internship from other universities and fulfillment of projects and dissertations;
- participation of students-physicians and students-psychologists from St. Petersburg in the student scientific society of the Research Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.
- Scientific works
- Publishing House
Research Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology represents scientific workers (professors, doctors of science, specialists, physicians, etc.) having the rare and specific knowledge, huge experience and unique results on worldwide level.
Research Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology aims to help people that currently find theirselves in heavy or complicated living circumstances. More than 40 years of research and practice make us able to reach the most effective results.
Our institute is located in St. Petersburg but also organizes guest psychological seminars in Russia and outside, and as well participates in various international scientific forums.
Our institute is an OJSC.