Client reviews of our activity

I am really moved by your most interesting article
I am really moved by your most interesting article. It is indeed going deeply into personal, philosophical and psychosocial issues.
It is a very nice thinking to extend ‘needs’ to personal interests with all the different full ranges. I also like the inclusion of conscious and inconscious PI’s — as we all know, how much important life functions really are taken care of rather inconcsiously.
I remember with gratitude what I learned from you
When I’m good, I remember with gratitude what I learned from you, and when I experience troubles and difficulties — I overcome them with your help.
Thank you once more
You can congratulate me. Thank you and Tatyana Alekseevna. My cyst on the ovary has disappeared. Doctors say I should not play a fool with them and that I can give birth now as much as I want to.
You've done a miracle!
You’ve done a miracle! After six years of life with my husband I’ve finally got pregnant and am already at the fourth month. I feel myself fine.
Thank you for your help
Thank you so much for your generous heart and for that help you provide for all of us.
Psychological seminar
I visit psychological seminars for 3 years already (I’ve paid once and now able to visit every seminar). I like this system very much! If I’ve missed something I can always come again and listen. I’ve felt myself in another socium at group psychological seminars, I’ve met new friends, I’ve met my beloved man, the whole world has opened for me and problems have started to disappear by themselves. Life is beautiful! I wish the same things to you. Thank you all!