Psychological testing as an additional factor, that makes the diagnosis of neurosis and pre-illness more precise
Publication year: 2001
Author: Shamil Tashaev, N. Y. Vasilieva, M. A. Provotorov, V. A. Protasov

The study of neurosises nature is based, as a rule, on synthesis of facts about their biological, psychological and social machinery. In the diagnostics and treatment of neurosises are involved spe-cialists on psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology. Evidently, that is why we find in different information sourses such distinction in the estimate of quantity of people (among 1000) who are hurted by neuroses in the very same region.
Published in:
Abstracts of the 1st International Congress “New Medical Technologies”
July 8 — 12, 2001, Saint-Petersburg
Non-commercial Partnership “Institute of Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Psychology”
Saint-Petersburg, Russia